Liverpool One Church | About Us | What We Believe | Our Values

our pastors

The vision for Liverpool One Church was birthed out of a gathering of twelve people who met weekly in the front room of a house and earnestly sought God to use them to create a church right in the heart of the city. A Church that would be about everyone, a house that would become a home for all ages, ethnicities and characters of people that grace our city.

Our lead pastors, Luke and Emma Bryant are passionate about seeing lives transformed and restored through the life -giving teachings of Jesus Christ. They believe the gospel message is real and relevant and the local church should be a safe and fun filled environment where your life can flourish, and your purpose be discovered.

They have raised three boys; Joash, Isaac and Solomon and now also have a beautiful daughter in law, Jess, so they get the busyness of everyday life.

They have a huge heart for people and a great love for the house of God!


What We Believe

We believe in Changing lives for Christ one life at a time.

The written word of God, the bible is central to all we do and all that we teach.

We believe in a loving God who created the earth we live in, He never grows old, He’s never irrelevant or out dated because He exists outside of time. His love for humanity is so great that he desires a real relationship with people and that is why he sent His son to earth in human form.

We believe that Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God. He lived a sinless life and offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind by dying on a cross. To bridge the gap between a sinful human race and a Holy God;

We believe the Holy Spirit is the power and the presence of God and this power was sent to raise Jesus Christ from the dead.

Through our sin (not living life how God intended) we break our relationship with God, however because of the blood shed on the cross by Jesus we have been atoned and redeemed.

We believe that when you invite Jesus into your life we receive the free gift of salvation, the gift of forgiveness and we are spiritually reborn.

Our Values


We believe that leading is serving, and that every area and every role within the church must have humility at its core. Whether you are welcoming people through the doors or leading from the platform we always put others first.



Unity is key to a healthy growing family. It doesn’t mean we will always agree but we will endeavour to see the best and assume the best about everyone. We strive to maintain a community of unity within Liverpool One Church and we do this by  being generous with our words, speaking out kindness and encouragement to one another and any differences we may have we put right in the way that Jesus taught us (Matthew 18).



We believe the best life is a generous one, giving above and beyond what is expected. Generosity speaks volumes into those who receive it. At Liverpool One Church we are generous with our TIME, our TALENTS and our TREASURE. Believing that in every area of our life we could never out give God who first gave so generously to us.


A Daily Dose of Brave

A Daily Dose of Brave is a 30-day devotional written by our very own Ps. Emma Bryant.

This devotional is written for women from every walk of life, no matter what age or life stage you find yourself at. This is to encourage you and remind you that you are not alone. A Daily Dose of Brave will take you on a journey of understanding, showing you what it is to be brave, how to speak brave and how to remain brave. 

Order your copy below!

school of leadership

Liverpool One Churches’ School Of Leadership is designed for people who want to be trained in ministry leadership. Led by Pastors Luke & Emma Bryant, this course will equip and empower you to operate at a high capacity in church ministry as well as developing your skills for the market place.